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Jessica Salvatore, Ph.D.

Dr. Jessica E. Salvatore is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry (Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School) and serves as the Director of the Genes, Environment, and Neurodevelopment in Addictions (GENA) research program in the Center. Her primary area of focus is on how substance misuse affects and is affected by social factors and close relationships across the lifespan. Within this broad theme, she takes a genetically informed perspective, with the dual goals of delineating gene-environment interplay among substance use and relationship factors and strengthening inferences in observational data.


  • Genetic nurture effects for alcohol use disorder. Molecular Psychiatry, Thomas, N. S. (shared first author), Salvatore, J. E. (shared first author), Kuo, S. I., Aliev, F., McCutcheon, V. V., Meyers, J. M., Bucholz, K. K., Brislin, S. J., Chan, G., Edenberg, H. J., Kamarajan, C., Kramer, J. R., Kuperman, J. M., Pandey, G., Plawecki, M. H., Schuckit, M. A., Dick, D. M., & COGA Collaborators. ,

    online ahead of print
  • Exploring the relationships between adolescent alcohol misuse and later-life health outcomes. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research., Pascale, A., Stephenson, M., Barr, P., Latvala, A., Aaltonen, S., Piirtola, M., Viken, R., Rose, R. J., Kaprio, J., Maes, H., Dick, D., & Salvatore, J. E., 2022

    online version
  • Origins of spousal cross-concordance for psychiatric disorders: A test of the social stress theory for alcohol use disorder. Psychological Medicine, Salvatore, J. E., Larsson Lönn, S., Sundquist, J., Sundquist, K., & Kendler, K. S., 2022

    online version